We provide high quality Boring, Turning and milling.

Every machining is done in- house by our technical staff, after an accurate study of the project, in order to get an excellent final result in terms of delivery times and costs.

Even in this case, every step is shared with the customer to guarantee the highest level of satisfaction possible.

Lo staff tecnico di Aid Steel è in grado di individuare i più idonei cicli di lavorazione e le attrezzature più adeguate, al fine di ottenere un risultato eccellente in termini di qualità, tempi di consegna e costi.
The Projects
That's what we do

A wide range ofServices Complete and reliable

We provide a vast range of services in mechanical engineering’s field: from design to metal works, from automation to revamping.

How can weHelp You?

Aidsteel supports customers from the initial brief to testing.

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